Because of an increasing interest in academia and industry, expert recommendation for community question answering has grown into an active area of multidisciplinary research, with a vast body of contributions at the crossroads of Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Science, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Management, Social Computing and Natural Language Processing. The workshop will solicit contributions reporting original and unpublished results regarding theoretical developments, principled models, methods, techniques and algorithms, experimental results, empirical evaluations of state-of-the-art approaches, evaluation metrics, experiences with new systems and related challenges, new data sets and respective analytics, application-oriented studies, promising preliminary ideas, work in progress, demonstrations and tools. All submissions will be reviewed, by rigorously accounting for their appropriateness and relevance to the workshop as well as the novelty, importance, technical soundness and clarity of their contributions.

The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Topical interest, topical expertise, authority, centrality, relevance, social roles, trustworthiness, confidence.
  2. (Advanced) Modeling of Users, Roles and Behaviors
  3. Question routing/Expert finding
  4. Exploitation of External non-CQA Data
  5. Dynamicity
  6. Answerer Motivation
  7. Exposure to Questions
  8. Recommendation of Newcomers and Lurkers
  9. Recommendation of Expert Answerers using Knowledge Graphs
  10. Recommendation of Expert Answerers for Context-dependent Questions
  11. Recommendation of Collaborative Groups of Expert Answerers



Best Paper Award and Special Issue

Authors of best manuscripts will be eligible for the workshop best paper award. They will also be invited to extend their work for peer-reviewed publication in a forthcoming Special Issue of a renowned international journal.